Sunday 22 July 2012

Procedure: Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum Day

This activity was so much fun! I adapted the activity from this blog after seeing it on Pinterest.

We started the activity by all chewing on bubble gum and practising blowing bubbles with it. This proved harder for some than others who just ended up spitting in on the floor!

Afterwards, the students wrote a brief procedure detailing how to blow a bubble before completing their artwork. I made some basic templates which we pasted onto A3 coloured paper:

I encouraged the students to use only coloured paper to complete their portraits and to include detail creativity in their pictures. We then cut a hole where the mouth would be and poked a balloon through it to create the "bubble". 

Here are some of the results:

The activity strengthened student's writing skills and creativity. Further activities could involve graphing the number of those who could/could not blow a bubble, or write another procedure on how to create their portrait.

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