Wednesday 22 May 2013


Show these flashcards daily as part of student phonemic awareness building to assist with reading and spelling independently.


Sing b-e-c-a-u-s-e to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", or remember this nifty little acronym to help with spelling this tricky sight word!

Sunday 12 May 2013

Maths: 3D Shapes Drawing


After studying 3D Shapes in maths, we practised drawing them on grid paper. Students then used their sketching skills to draw and overlap shapes and shade them using charcoal.


Thursday 9 May 2013

Water Cycle Song

We LOVE this song in Year 2! With a catchy, upbeat tune, students are sure to remember the elements of the water cycle.





DIY baubles for the Christmas tree! This activity encourages fine motor skills development, as well as patience!

And the finished product...........

Saturday 4 May 2013



This should be the attitude of all teachers!

Literacy Web Tools

This is a collection of some of my favourite web tools for primary classes:


Story Bird is a great website where you can write a publish electronic story books using artwork supplied by a range of artists.


Blabberize is a tool which allows you to make an image speak by selecting an area that reacts to voice.


Little Bird Tales is a great site that allows students to write, illustrate and narrate their own stories.


Wacky Web Tales helps students practice parts of speech, grammar, reading and more. Students first chose a story title and then create an amusing short story.


TesiBoard has a vast collection of interactive online resources for Stage 1 students.


One Word ... don't think... just write!

Water Acrostic Poem


This is our Year 2 Water acrostic poem display. 

After looking at the importance of water in our daily lives, students wrote a poem on the given template and we displayed it under a dark cardboard cut-out cloud.

Oily Bubbles

Experimenting with water can be lots of fun; experimenting with oil and water proved to be a great hit with my second-graders this year!

I filled barbeque tin trays with oil (1cm deep) and mixed food colouring with water in small squeeze bottles. Students then squeezed the coloured water drops into the oil and watched them bead.

The results were beautiful!



I even had some curious students try and 'pinch' the water droplets to see if they could get the two liquids to mix.

How to Spell "8"

Sing it!